Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Hello Everyone!
 I thought I would give you an update on what I have been doing and some of the things I have seen and experienced. 

We have been working with a lady who runs a center where street children can come to shower, eat and learn about God. It is truly an amazing thing and I have loved helping with it. In the late afternoons, we go out to the streets and visit some more children and the families of the children from earlier in the day. This is my favorite part of what we have been doing so far because I love seeing the kid’s expressions. They get so excited when they see you coming…they shout De de (which is like older sister) and run up to you. They want to play, hold your hand, sit on your lap or meet their friends. Even kids you don't know will come up to meet you. Something that really touched me was the other day when we were out on the street, I sat down to talk with someone and stuck my foot in some mud. I didn't want to worry about it, so I just ignored it. I then walked across the street to talk with someone else and a lady saw my foot… she began telling her daughter to rinse off my foot and the daughter was arguing with her mother…I think the girl didn’t want to offend me by saying something but her mother convinced her to help me and so the girl came over and poured some water on my foot to wash it off. It really touched me because they live on the streets where is not very clean and yet they cared enough to not want my foot to be dirty. I have also worked with a lady running a school in the area which is all Hindus and another school in the slums.

I am enjoying the hot weather though it has been extremely hot the last three days. I am also really enjoying the spicy food but I'm still not sure about the Indian sweets. I have eaten a lot of street food and haven't gotten sick which is truly a blessing =)

(The trees and some of the other scenery here remind me of being in Adventure Land at Disneyland.)

 Transportation is such a unique experience from rickshaws to buses….. I am finally getting use to the traffic….. where cars always just miss each other and everyone is honking their horns warning you they are there (even if it isn't necessary). Rickshaws are three wheel bikes with a seat on the back it's pretty snug with two people and you feel really bad that the driver has to cycle the weight of two people but the other day I saw three grown men on the back ! Poor skinny cycler man... We also rode in a motor rickshaw which is about the size of a smart car and the driver crammed 7 people in it! It was an experience to say the least!  They get the most use out of their transportation…….buses always fill up and you end up on top of people… I have also seen four men on one motor cycle- crazy!

In the next week I will be going to work at the Mother Theresa house and then will be getting on a 17 hour train ride which I am looking forward to for another cultural experience!

I am really enjoying being here and I am so thankful for all your prayers and support. 

Thank you, Love you!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Outreach Farewell Video

Here is a video of my group leaving The Lodge!


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter everyone! I just wanted to give you my first updated.

I got to my destination safely! Thank you all for your prayers! This past week I worked at a center for street children which is amazing! The language barrier has been tough but God is helping us work through it. If you could pray for a smoothness in communication that would be great! I will try and do another update soon with more details.

Sunday attire.